Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Bar Mitzvahs
Mazal Tov
to the following Nageela campers on their recent Bar Mitzvahs
Brian Kahen
Brian Berko
Marc Cohen
Tzvi Hirsch Glaser
Have a mazal tov that I missed? email me info@nageelawest.org
to the following Nageela campers on their recent Bar Mitzvahs
Brian Kahen
Brian Berko
Marc Cohen
Tzvi Hirsch Glaser
Have a mazal tov that I missed? email me info@nageelawest.org
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Camp Nageela family wishes a huge and extremely dorky
to our very own, long time staff member,
and not-so-long-time assistant head- counselor
upon his engagement
to Miriam Friedman of Hillcrest, NY.
to post a mazal tov message for Shaya, click here.
to our very own, long time staff member,
and not-so-long-time assistant head- counselor
upon his engagement
to Miriam Friedman of Hillcrest, NY.
to post a mazal tov message for Shaya, click here.
Monday, December 21, 2009
New Music Video
Baruch reis is at it again!
Baruch has teamed up with Yoni Hoch and the boys of the Brooklyn JIL program to create an awesome music video, to Shaya's favorite guitar hero song.
Check it out here!
Baruch has teamed up with Yoni Hoch and the boys of the Brooklyn JIL program to create an awesome music video, to Shaya's favorite guitar hero song.
Check it out here!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Verification Word
I'm sorry, but I've had to add one of those annoying verification words if you want to post. The reason for this, quite clearly is to get you to comment more often, due to the novelty of getting to try and decipher some squigly lines which may, at some point, before having been chewed by a pack of rabid chihuahuas, have looked like letters. It's also fun having to retype it 3 or 4 times because there's no way you can possibly get it right.
OK, there were also too many spam comments, so this is a security measure. I dare you to try it. Yeah, you... I dare you!
OK, there were also too many spam comments, so this is a security measure. I dare you to try it. Yeah, you... I dare you!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Camp Dates
Hey people. I havent heard from any of you in a while. Here's the scoop. Nageela west for boys will end a couple of day before Nageela East starts, so you can go to both. I don't want ppl to leave East to come to West, but I'd love ppl to come to both. I wouild like to get an idea on the blog if you or anyone you know is interested in that.
Please post comments. thanks.
Please post comments. thanks.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hey guys, I know it's been a really long time since my last post. I've just been too cold to type. It reached under 80 degrees a few times. Can you believe it? Everything they call a desert nowadays. Why in my day...
Anyway, I've been working really hard on Nageelawest, and now the website is up! Not totally finished, but up. Check it out at nageelawest.org.
Anyway, I've been working really hard on Nageelawest, and now the website is up! Not totally finished, but up. Check it out at nageelawest.org.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
NageelaWest is movin' along!
In a week we should have a brochure, website prices and dates.
Stay posted!
In a week we should have a brochure, website prices and dates.
Stay posted!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
UTAH, here we come!
So while all of you were vacationing in your beautiful sub- zero conditions, I've been out here suffering in our inclement 85-90 degree days. Aside from that , here's big news!
I spent yesterday up in Utah (the most beautiful state, btw) checking out a new campus for Nageela West!
Yup, that's right. Once we finalize the deal I'll let you know more, but all I can tell you now is I've never seen a camp with nicer facilities than we will have! The area is beautiful, the rooms are incredible! NAGEELAWESTROCKS!
I'll post some pics (maybe) if I can find my camera.
I spent yesterday up in Utah (the most beautiful state, btw) checking out a new campus for Nageela West!
Yup, that's right. Once we finalize the deal I'll let you know more, but all I can tell you now is I've never seen a camp with nicer facilities than we will have! The area is beautiful, the rooms are incredible! NAGEELAWESTROCKS!
I'll post some pics (maybe) if I can find my camera.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sukkos party pics
Looks like the Jersey boys had an awesome time at the Sukkos party! Wish I could have been there, but I couldn't find my winter coat.

Luckily, Nageela staff members are very mature- parents, you can rest easy now!

As I was saying

He's up to something. I know it, he is...

You're supposed to eat the dog, not the finger...

Fetch, Fido!

How do you pitch to a strike zone like that?
Thanks to Corky for the pics.
Its only October and it's already way under 100 degrees. What kind of desert is this anyway?
Monday, October 5, 2009
more Sukkos Event
SukkahTon in Manalapan NJ This Thursday, October 8th for all NJ Nageela Campers both current & former. Baseball, BBQ @ a Sukkah & Bowling. Meating 3pm @ Park on Union Hill Road, east of Route 9, past ShopRite ending @ Manalapan Country Lanes, 363 Route 33 around 9pm. Cost $12 to cover bowling expenses. If you are coming please text or call Mordechai Shenker @ 917-225-3029 or Yoni Hoch @ 718-614-0474
more Sukkos Event
SukkahTon in Manalapan NJ This Thursday, October 8th for all NJ Nageela Campers both current & former. Baseball, BBQ @ a Sukkah & Bowling. Meating 3pm @ Park on Union Hill Road, east of Route 9, past ShopRite ending @ Manalapan Country Lanes, 363 Route 33 around 9pm. Cost $12 to cover bowling expenses. If you are coming please text or call Mordechai Shenker @ 917-225-3029 or Yoni Hoch @ 718-614-0474
Columbus Day Event
Colombus Day at Camp Nageela Featuring awesome food, Sports, Indoor Swimming & Paintball. Departing: Sunday, October 11th @ 10pm Arriving back home: Monday, October 12th @ 8pm. Price $25 Bring a friend and COME FREE! Not including transportation fee. Transportation available from Lawrence (Long Island) & East Brunswick NJ - $40 fee. To register Call 516-374-1528 or visit www.jepli.org
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hi, Holidays!
I know a bunch of you were at Nageela for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. In fact, there were at last 200 people there.
I want to hear from you. If you were there, please post a comment about it!
I want to hear from you. If you were there, please post a comment about it!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sleep-deprived doctors told to drink coffee
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Exhausted Australian doctors have been told to drink up to six cups of coffee a day to stay awake during extended shifts... (read more)Don't they realize they're missing the boat?
The solution is simple.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Good Shabbos!
Wishing the whole Nageela family an amazingly relaxing, happy and inspirational Shabbos!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
And it never rains in Camp Nageela...
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's next prime minister might be nicknamed "the alien," but it's his wife who claims to have had a close encounter with another world.
"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year.
"It was a very beautiful place and it was really green."
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Very patriotic Camp
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hey Camp Nageela! Do you know what's coming tonight? That's right, it's been a long week, but Shabbos is here again. As promised, here's another one of those awesome songs recorded by Yaakov as the buses were pulling out of camp, and guess what... it's a shabbos song. You know the tune, you know the words. You may not have ever put them together, but here it is. Just CLICK HERE to download! Keep it on your ipod and listen each friday.
Hey, why not, I'll include another recording, too. This one is called 'CAMP NAGEELA' (original name, isn't it?). It was introduced by Yaakov and Azi at the end of Nageela '08, so many of you may have never heard it. Well, here it is!
p.s. I would like to post some Nageela All- Stars, so please hit me with your nominations at lockeroom@gmail.com and I'll post 'em!
Hey, why not, I'll include another recording, too. This one is called 'CAMP NAGEELA' (original name, isn't it?). It was introduced by Yaakov and Azi at the end of Nageela '08, so many of you may have never heard it. Well, here it is!
p.s. I would like to post some Nageela All- Stars, so please hit me with your nominations at lockeroom@gmail.com and I'll post 'em!
akerman music,
all star,
still nuts
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Hope you all stayed Nageela Strong and had an awesome Shabbos.
It was really quiet out here. Tova and Zahava insisted on singing Shabbos Kodesh and dancing.
Here's a little something to keep you going:
Just before the buses pulled out of camp, Yaakov Akerman ran into the office and told me that he had recorded some great camp songs, but they hadn't made it on to the Audio CD. So I'll post them one or two at a time. Here's Yaakov's intro to these songs, and in honor of Shabbos having just left us, Yaakov's special Havdallah.
HERE THEY ARE! Just right click and download the file!
Yaakov's intro
It was really quiet out here. Tova and Zahava insisted on singing Shabbos Kodesh and dancing.
Here's a little something to keep you going:
Just before the buses pulled out of camp, Yaakov Akerman ran into the office and told me that he had recorded some great camp songs, but they hadn't made it on to the Audio CD. So I'll post them one or two at a time. Here's Yaakov's intro to these songs, and in honor of Shabbos having just left us, Yaakov's special Havdallah.
HERE THEY ARE! Just right click and download the file!
Yaakov's intro
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Curfews will be enforced immediately. Bunk 6, you were not at supper, so no night canteen for you
Monday, August 24, 2009
If you're readin this...
Right when you get home off that bus...
I know. I can't get my mind off of Nageela either. I'm still here, in fact, sittin' in my room, listening to some Nageela songs on iTunes.
The campus is so quiet though. SOmehow that seems so wrong.
I'll try to picture it instead full of sound and spirit. I'll inagine laughter from the tetherball court, banging from the leather workshop at the tent, and a distant whistle signalling a call on the football field. I tihnk I can faintly make out the tune of 'borei nefashos' floating towards me from the dining room, and perhaps a paddle dipping into the water as it rows across the lake.
Keep the memories alive!
Email me your favorite memories of camp and I will post some of them.
Also, if you have an all star nomination, email that to me, and I'll try to post that on Fridays.
Love ya all!
And yes, we're STILL NUTS!
I know. I can't get my mind off of Nageela either. I'm still here, in fact, sittin' in my room, listening to some Nageela songs on iTunes.
The campus is so quiet though. SOmehow that seems so wrong.
I'll try to picture it instead full of sound and spirit. I'll inagine laughter from the tetherball court, banging from the leather workshop at the tent, and a distant whistle signalling a call on the football field. I tihnk I can faintly make out the tune of 'borei nefashos' floating towards me from the dining room, and perhaps a paddle dipping into the water as it rows across the lake.
Keep the memories alive!
Email me your favorite memories of camp and I will post some of them.
Also, if you have an all star nomination, email that to me, and I'll try to post that on Fridays.
Love ya all!
And yes, we're STILL NUTS!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
This summer has been truly remarkable. We're winding down now, writing our yearbook articles and preparing for lots of packing today.
Last night we viewed an amazing movie put together by our drama program. When your son gets home, ask him to see the movie (he'll be bringing home a DVD).
The movie, starring campers David Buckman, Lucas Stein and Brian Berko, mixes drama, comedy and fantastic film editing. You'll enjoy seeing it!
Last night we viewed an amazing movie put together by our drama program. When your son gets home, ask him to see the movie (he'll be bringing home a DVD).
The movie, starring campers David Buckman, Lucas Stein and Brian Berko, mixes drama, comedy and fantastic film editing. You'll enjoy seeing it!
Friday, August 21, 2009
color war
We just had the most amazing color war, and the winner is RED!
I will try to post pictures today. In the meantime, you can see each team's color war music video on youtube just search for camp nageela music video 2009
or check them out here...
I will try to post pictures today. In the meantime, you can see each team's color war music video on youtube just search for camp nageela music video 2009
or check them out here...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Color War!
It's finaly here... COlor War!
I havent posted in a while because CW prep has taken all of my time, but I'll keep trying to post regularly.
Gotta run!
I havent posted in a while because CW prep has taken all of my time, but I'll keep trying to post regularly.
Gotta run!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Amazing overnight trip!
Last night, Camp Nageela packed in to SPORT TIME USA, a premier indoor entertainment compllex in Westchester for hours upon hours of fun.
We all came in our pajamas, adding to the excitement, and played from 10pm until nearly 3am (don't worry, we had an extended naptime this morning, and curfews will be earlier these next two nights).
Check out our pictures to see campers and staff enjoying bumper cars, rock climbing wall, lazer tag, unlimited arcades, batting cages billiards and rides. We all brought our sleeping bags and bunked out there. I'll be back with more updates later, gotta finish up with tonights night activity!
We all came in our pajamas, adding to the excitement, and played from 10pm until nearly 3am (don't worry, we had an extended naptime this morning, and curfews will be earlier these next two nights).
Check out our pictures to see campers and staff enjoying bumper cars, rock climbing wall, lazer tag, unlimited arcades, batting cages billiards and rides. We all brought our sleeping bags and bunked out there. I'll be back with more updates later, gotta finish up with tonights night activity!
Monday, August 10, 2009
New activities II
As I mentioned last week, I'll use this space to highlight some of the new activities we've instituted this summer.
Boating- After several years of negotiation, Camp Nageela now has use of a small lake across the road. So far, the boating activity has been a big hit for the bunks that have had it.
Boating- After several years of negotiation, Camp Nageela now has use of a small lake across the road. So far, the boating activity has been a big hit for the bunks that have had it.
Too Much Candy
I know you'll all thank me. I couldn't bear to see all the campers eat so much unhealthy food (you know, all the candy you brought yesterday), so I ate most of it myself. Don't worry, we gave them all extra carrot sticks.
Seriously, visiting day was great. We have an exciting week planned. Tonight (actually, in a half hour), our older division will be playing sports against Camp Kochavim, a sports camp run by long time Nageela guy Yehuda Maryles.
A bit later, our staff will square off in an intercamp staff basketball game. I'll post the winner tonight or tomorrow.
Seriously, visiting day was great. We have an exciting week planned. Tonight (actually, in a half hour), our older division will be playing sports against Camp Kochavim, a sports camp run by long time Nageela guy Yehuda Maryles.
A bit later, our staff will square off in an intercamp staff basketball game. I'll post the winner tonight or tomorrow.
Friday, August 7, 2009
New activities
Hopefully, every few days, I'll post something about one or more of our exciting activities here. Today I'd like focus on two new electives.
Drama and film- a small group of campers and staff are working together on the first NAGEELA PRODUCTIONS film. They have already begun to film and from the short clips that I've seen, it should be extremely entertaining. They are learning, in particular, how to act for film, which incidentally is significantly different than acting on stage.
Aikido- About a dozen campers are learning the basics of self- defense by using your oponent's momentum against him. I beeter be careful which campers I get into trouble!
Have a fantastic Shabbat and we'll see you on Sunday!
Drama and film- a small group of campers and staff are working together on the first NAGEELA PRODUCTIONS film. They have already begun to film and from the short clips that I've seen, it should be extremely entertaining. They are learning, in particular, how to act for film, which incidentally is significantly different than acting on stage.
Aikido- About a dozen campers are learning the basics of self- defense by using your oponent's momentum against him. I beeter be careful which campers I get into trouble!
Have a fantastic Shabbat and we'll see you on Sunday!
Pictures are now on the blog!
If you look at the top of this page your eyes will undoubtedly be drawn to the flashing images of the first week and a half of Nageela 09. Click on the pictures to view them individually. Thanks to our talented media specialist, Shlomo Kay for taking and posting these pictures. A special treat is in store for all visiting parents with a video presentation that will be playing on a loop in the camp lobby all Sunday.
New poll
I've posted a new poll on the sidebar, special for parents. Please vote on it, and if you have any comments, please post them here on this post.
Hi there! I haven't updated this blog, because I didn't realize that parents would be checking it. As you saw in the email that we sent out when camp began, we do have some pictures posted online. You can see them by clicking here.
There has been so much happening since camp started, I'll just give a brief summary now.
The first night of camp, we surprised our campers with a welcoming carnival, with six huge carnival rides including a rock climbing wall, pirate ship and three story water slide. We also had coton candy, YUM!
On Sunday we began our league competition, and both the sports program and wilderness program are going strong.
Wednesday, we drove up to Lake George and had an amazing time at SIX FLAGS Great Escape and Splashwater Kingdom.
Tonight, we had our first cookout. Each bunk had their own campfire where they roasted hotdogs, marshmallows (of course) and had an overall great time.
There's tons planned for next week, but of course the highlight is visiting day Sunday. See you then!
There has been so much happening since camp started, I'll just give a brief summary now.
The first night of camp, we surprised our campers with a welcoming carnival, with six huge carnival rides including a rock climbing wall, pirate ship and three story water slide. We also had coton candy, YUM!
On Sunday we began our league competition, and both the sports program and wilderness program are going strong.
Wednesday, we drove up to Lake George and had an amazing time at SIX FLAGS Great Escape and Splashwater Kingdom.
Tonight, we had our first cookout. Each bunk had their own campfire where they roasted hotdogs, marshmallows (of course) and had an overall great time.
There's tons planned for next week, but of course the highlight is visiting day Sunday. See you then!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov
to longtime muffin man
Yaakov Simanowitz
on the birth of a baby girl!
Mazal Tov
to longtime CNB staff member
Yosaif Cohen
on the birth of a baby girl!
to longtime muffin man
Yaakov Simanowitz
on the birth of a baby girl!
Mazal Tov
to longtime CNB staff member
Yosaif Cohen
on the birth of a baby girl!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Just 1 week!
In 1 week from right now, I will be standing (or sitting, or laying down, or on my head) in Camp Nageela!
Little Mary!
Mazal Tov
to JEP/ Nageela icon
Yehuda and Sara Maryles
upon the birth of a baby boy
this afternoon!
to JEP/ Nageela icon
Yehuda and Sara Maryles
upon the birth of a baby boy
this afternoon!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Just wanted to clear up a misconception over here. Some of you guys seem to be under the impression that the social all will not be usable this year.
Not true.
I spoke to rabbi shenker and he said that the social hgall is fully functional (it may not be decorated yet, but it's bigger than it was and it works).
So, yes. Soc hall is totally being used for nageela 09!
Not true.
I spoke to rabbi shenker and he said that the social hgall is fully functional (it may not be decorated yet, but it's bigger than it was and it works).
So, yes. Soc hall is totally being used for nageela 09!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
As promised... PICS!
Thanks Sam for the pics.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
The reports are in...
As today was visiting day for Nageela girls, and for some reason some Nageela guys thought this would be a good time to visit CNB... We got some reports on the new construction. The Social hall is much bigger and has a huge stage. Dining room is bigger too.
We'll post pics soon.
We'll post pics soon.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I've been spending my time lately on a few interesting hobbies, which I will share with you at a later date so that you can make fun of me then. I the meanwhile, I have also been spending my time working out details for this summer's grand trip. A few details still need to be worked out, so check out the poll and vote on your favorite trip idea.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
nageela useless fact
"Almost" is the longest word in the English language where all the letters are in order.
(Can you think of the longest Hebrew or yiddish word)
(Can you think of the longest Hebrew or yiddish word)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Who is he really- the fans speak...
Here are two Shaya's history submissions- I don't really uinderstand 'em, but here they are:
One day Shaya called Dell with a complaint: "The cup holder on my PC is broken. It's within the warranty period, so I'd like it replaced."
"Excuse me, sir? I don't understand. Did you say your PC has a cup holder?
"Actually, it has 2."
"Sir, Dell does not make PCs with cup holders. I'm not sure how you got yours."
"Ma'am," Shaya replied, "It even says Dell on the cup holder. Right next to the place where it says DVD."
My fav Shaya Hecht story involves a tractor trailer, a deflated beach ball, and two harmonicas. It was back in 99, when th'folk in Waymart PA congregated for a rally against tigerlillies. Shaya was illuminated as he should be, and he sang a song. I know, how ridiculous. Shaya Hecht singing? Never!
-submitted by Yoyosh (does anybody know who that is?)
One day Shaya called Dell with a complaint: "The cup holder on my PC is broken. It's within the warranty period, so I'd like it replaced."
"Excuse me, sir? I don't understand. Did you say your PC has a cup holder?
"Actually, it has 2."
"Sir, Dell does not make PCs with cup holders. I'm not sure how you got yours."
"Ma'am," Shaya replied, "It even says Dell on the cup holder. Right next to the place where it says DVD."
My fav Shaya Hecht story involves a tractor trailer, a deflated beach ball, and two harmonicas. It was back in 99, when th'folk in Waymart PA congregated for a rally against tigerlillies. Shaya was illuminated as he should be, and he sang a song. I know, how ridiculous. Shaya Hecht singing? Never!
-submitted by Yoyosh (does anybody know who that is?)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Who is he, really?
Shaya Hecht has presented himself as a fine (cough), upstanding (ahem) and respectable (gurgle, burp, spit) Jewish boy.
However, some rumors have been spreading about his checkered past. Was he involved with an illegal goat smuggling ring? Did he once perform opera while wearing argyle socks?
Send me your Shaya's history story, and if it's good, I'll post it here on the blog. Then we can email his Mom and let her enjoy.
Yes, they will be heavily censored. Keep it fairly un-terrible.
Come on- stay away from boring old dorky stories... you can do better.
However, some rumors have been spreading about his checkered past. Was he involved with an illegal goat smuggling ring? Did he once perform opera while wearing argyle socks?
Send me your Shaya's history story, and if it's good, I'll post it here on the blog. Then we can email his Mom and let her enjoy.
Yes, they will be heavily censored. Keep it fairly un-terrible.
Come on- stay away from boring old dorky stories... you can do better.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Exciting new Teen Program
CNB this summer will feature an exciting- COMPLETELY REVAMPED teen program (age 14 and up).
The teen program will feature:
Sign up now!
The teen program will feature:
- Significantly later curfew
- Longer rest period
- Night Leagues
- And more!
Sign up now!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Hilarious Video clip
The NY Jets had the NFL change the date of one of their games, because it was on Yom Kippur. Check out this video about it.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Camp Nageela for Boys would like to welcome
Rabbi Moshe Stamler
to our Head Staff for 2009!
Rabbi Stamler will be making his return- he was a counselor in Nageela for four years, way back in the day. He was also our first wilderness director, and the center of our staff team. He will be the Director of Development for Nageela this summer.
He's the guy with the yellow shirt!
The tall guy in the middle with his head tilted to the side
Picture from Nageela 2001
Rabbi Moshe Stamler
to our Head Staff for 2009!
Rabbi Stamler will be making his return- he was a counselor in Nageela for four years, way back in the day. He was also our first wilderness director, and the center of our staff team. He will be the Director of Development for Nageela this summer.
The tall guy in the middle with his head tilted to the side
Picture from Nageela 2001
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Almost there, almost there.
Within the next few days we should be making some pretty
X-I-ting announcements about Nageela '09
(uhhh, kids, don't try that without parental supervision and approval)
Within the next few days we should be making some pretty
X-I-ting announcements about Nageela '09
(uhhh, kids, don't try that without parental supervision and approval)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Coming Soon...
Wait at your mailbox!
The NEW full season Nageela 08 DVD will be coming to you any day!
(of course it will be coming along with an application, for those of you who haven't signed up yet).
The NEW full season Nageela 08 DVD will be coming to you any day!
(of course it will be coming along with an application, for those of you who haven't signed up yet).
Sunday, March 22, 2009
There is some big news about to break on the Camp Nageela front. Keep your eyes, ears and spleens ready!
You will hear (or at least see) it here on this blog first!
You will hear (or at least see) it here on this blog first!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Village for sale
Rumor has it Rabbi Shenker is looking for a place to play cricket. This might just work for us.
Rumor has it Rabbi Shenker is looking for a place to play cricket. This might just work for us.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Kids, don't try this at home
Check out this new illness. When I went to school, I had to ride a limo, downhill, both ways. Kids nowadays... harummph!
We're getting there
It won't be long now. I'll soon work up the guts (or the bile) to present to you the greatest, most brilliant invention ever made.
hint: it comes in a can.
hint: it comes in a can.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Greatest product ever made
Later this week, I will unveil the greatest invention ever. It solves almost any problem, and just makes one feel wonderful and tingly all over.
Can anyone guess what it is?
You prob never hear of it. Oh well, you'll just have to wait.
hint: Matis might know. You can ask him.
Can anyone guess what it is?
You prob never hear of it. Oh well, you'll just have to wait.
hint: Matis might know. You can ask him.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Doesnt say ANYTHING about kissing a goat!
Boy marries dog to ward off tiger attacks
Check it out here...Mazal Tov!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Israel Reunion
Nageela alumni reunion with Rabbi Shenker:
Tuesday Night, February 17th- @ 9:00 PM
27 Narkiss, Central Jerusalem (near King George St.)
questions- call Aaron Lipman 054-846-5622
Tuesday Night, February 17th- @ 9:00 PM
27 Narkiss, Central Jerusalem (near King George St.)
questions- call Aaron Lipman 054-846-5622
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Israel Reunion
Rabbi Shenker will be in Israel
from Wednesday (tomorrow) until the following Wednesday. He would like Nageela campers, staff and alumni to call him to arrange for a get- together.
His # in Israel is 0525705735.
from Wednesday (tomorrow) until the following Wednesday. He would like Nageela campers, staff and alumni to call him to arrange for a get- together.
His # in Israel is 0525705735.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Intense competition
The intense competition, the drive to succeed. The knowledge that this contest is just incredibly big- that you've been training your whole lief just for this big game! What a feeling the is. What exhilaration! In preparation, I work towards my goal the entire year. I know the game isn't until the summer, but I run miles each day, tone my muscles, sharpen my skills- I even try to catch flies with chopsticks. I must master myself. I must learn to control my body completely!
I visit the arena during the winter- snow piled ominously around, and my heart thumps as I envision myself holding that coveted trophy. That great award of tetherball mastery.
I am getting ready for our showdown.
I am getting ready Yitzy Shaps. And when the day comes, you will feel the full power of a trained, fit, and really, really cold challenger.
Watch out.
Yoni Hoch
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Next Dimension

This weekend in West Hempstead, Long Island...
Saturday night trip to Dave and Busters
Saturday night trip to Dave and Busters
register online or call 516-374-1528.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Goat Detained in Armed Robbery
If you were wondering what the Nageela goats do all year, check out this link.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Onion has been peeled
reunion was fantastamazing Over 40 campers and alumni- rockin'!
Hope to get pics up soon
Hope to get pics up soon
Friday, January 23, 2009
the merger of the century
to Nageela legends
Matis Holander and
Tzipi Sherman
on getting engaged.
ummm, i mean to each other. I guess you probably figured that out.
Did matis take the plunge? soon, soon, soon...
to Nageela legends
Matis Holander and
Tzipi Sherman
on getting engaged.
ummm, i mean to each other. I guess you probably figured that out.
Did matis take the plunge? soon, soon, soon...
Mazal tov
to long time veteran Nageela staff member
Dovid Shepansky
on getting engaged!
to long time veteran Nageela staff member
Dovid Shepansky
on getting engaged!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Prepare yourself
If you are attending this week's re-onion (which of course you are if you are reading this), keep in mind the following:
We will have Saturday Afternoon Live, so start thinking of skit ideas
We will be asking you for your most memorable moments from Nageela '08, so come prepared!
We will have Saturday Afternoon Live, so start thinking of skit ideas
We will be asking you for your most memorable moments from Nageela '08, so come prepared!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Reunion Activities
As always, we're looking for new and innovative activities for all of our programs.
we would like your input on what activities to have at this reunion.
A few options are up for voting on the poll , please vote. If you have a brilliant new idea, let us know here in the comments section. If you don't know one of the games in the poll, ask us about it here, and we'll explain it.
By the way, please come! And bring your friends. Even if your friend has never been in Nageela, you can bring them along.
we would like your input on what activities to have at this reunion.
A few options are up for voting on the poll , please vote. If you have a brilliant new idea, let us know here in the comments section. If you don't know one of the games in the poll, ask us about it here, and we'll explain it.
By the way, please come! And bring your friends. Even if your friend has never been in Nageela, you can bring them along.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Speaking of reunions
Not that this cartoon means anything to 90% of our campers, but hey, it says the word reunion.
While we're on the topic of reunions, always remember to brush your teeth in little circles- not side to side.
And while on the topic of brushing teeth, I'm flying in on Thursday to Long Island for the NAGEELA REUNION and I would like to spend the weekend with EVERY Nageela present and past camper, counselor and plunger.
See ya there!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Tag Board of blessed (sort of) memory
It is with the deepest regret and feelings of bereavement that it is my sad duty to inform the greater populace of Camp Nageela and its supporters of the passing of our beloved fellow TAG BOARD.
Tag board was a model of a life of challenge. It brought good friends together, it let us know that Sam Lipke reads the blog constantly, it housed lots of ugly spam that nobody wanted, and worst of all, it hosted Shaya and Azi's incessant bickering.
Though it was annoying, it also brought us much joy, like when Dan Shpilsky chattered merrily and when Rabbi Staum spoke fondly of Brian Regan.
Alas, mourn oh Nageela for the Tag Board is no more.
Grieve Camp Nageela, for the Tag Board- the representation of our very hopes, dreams and aspirations has disappeared in a puff of thyme.
May G-d wipe SPAM off of all face(book)s and tagboards.

p.s. If anyone knows a site where I can get a good spam- free tagboard, please let me know.
Tag board was a model of a life of challenge. It brought good friends together, it let us know that Sam Lipke reads the blog constantly, it housed lots of ugly spam that nobody wanted, and worst of all, it hosted Shaya and Azi's incessant bickering.
Though it was annoying, it also brought us much joy, like when Dan Shpilsky chattered merrily and when Rabbi Staum spoke fondly of Brian Regan.
Alas, mourn oh Nageela for the Tag Board is no more.
Grieve Camp Nageela, for the Tag Board- the representation of our very hopes, dreams and aspirations has disappeared in a puff of thyme.
May G-d wipe SPAM off of all face(book)s and tagboards.
p.s. If anyone knows a site where I can get a good spam- free tagboard, please let me know.
Friday, January 2, 2009
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