It is with the deepest regret and feelings of bereavement that it is my sad duty to inform the greater populace of Camp Nageela and its supporters of the passing of our beloved fellow TAG BOARD.
Tag board was a model of a life of challenge. It brought good friends together, it let us know that Sam Lipke reads the blog constantly, it housed lots of ugly spam that nobody wanted, and worst of all, it hosted Shaya and Azi's incessant bickering.
Though it was annoying, it also brought us much joy, like when Dan Shpilsky chattered merrily and when Rabbi Staum spoke fondly of Brian Regan.
Alas, mourn oh Nageela for the Tag Board is no more.
Grieve Camp Nageela, for the Tag Board- the representation of our very hopes, dreams and aspirations has disappeared in a puff of thyme.
May G-d wipe SPAM off of all face(book)s and tagboards.

p.s. If anyone knows a site where I can get a good spam- free tagboard, please let me know.