Monday, November 30, 2009

Verification Word

I'm sorry, but I've had to add one of those annoying verification words if you want to post. The reason for this, quite clearly is to get you to comment more often, due to the novelty of getting to try and decipher some squigly lines which may, at some point, before having been chewed by a pack of rabid chihuahuas, have looked like letters. It's also fun having to retype it 3 or 4 times because there's no way you can possibly get it right.

OK, there were also too many spam comments, so this is a security measure. I dare you to try it. Yeah, you... I dare you!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Camp Dates

Hey people. I havent heard from any of you in a while. Here's the scoop. Nageela west for boys will end a couple of day before Nageela East starts, so you can go to both. I don't want ppl to leave East to come to West, but I'd love ppl to come to both. I wouild like to get an idea on the blog if you or anyone you know is interested in that.
Please post comments. thanks.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I like escsalators, because an escalator can't break. It can only become stairs.
Mitch Hedberg


Hey guys, I know it's been a really long time since my last post. I've just been too cold to type. It reached under 80 degrees a few times. Can you believe it? Everything they call a desert nowadays. Why in my day...
Anyway, I've been working really hard on Nageelawest, and now the website is up! Not totally finished, but up. Check it out at