10. Everyone wants to be named Mrs.Doooooooooooooooooooooooorky! (submitted by Dan Shpilsky)
9. Because the only wedding singer I know is terrible (submitted by Azi)
8. 'Cause shaya's the man (submitted by Jordan Neman)
7. Because Azi's married to the goat (submitted by Aaron- smileyman)
6. Because shaya needed a full-time babysitter already (submitted by Azi)
5. 'Cause azi couldn't find an engagement ring that fit on a goat (not submitted by Azi)
4. Because nobody wants to wear a baby blue wedding gown (submitted by Dr. Seuss)
3. Every girl wants to marry a guy who carries a spare tissue... up his nose... just in case. (submitted by Shaya's mom)
2. Shaya needed something else to make fun of azi about (submitted by Corky)
1. Azi chased all the girls away with a rake. (submitted by Prince Charles)