Thursday, March 29, 2007
Karmel Korn
A milk truck!
What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!
East, Sweet East
What can be better then being in close proximity to my wonderful Nageela Boyz? (hey, you, stop cheating!)
It's exciting, maybe I'll even seee some of you.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Open To Suggestions
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
New Kind of Crocodile Belt?
The reptiles, their jaws tied shut, were apparently bound for a Gaza zoo, said Maria Telleria, a spokeswoman for European observers who run the Rafah crossing.
"She looked strangely fat," Telleria said, explaining why the woman was ordered by a policewoman to submit to a search as she tried to enter Gaza from Egypt Thursday.
Surprised by the three crocodiles, the policewoman screamed, other guards raced to the scene and the reptiles were eventually turned over to authorities on the Egyptian side of the border, Telleria said by telephone.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Deep Thoughts
Karmel Korn
Just between us... something smells
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10. Yehuda grabs the mike and starts blabbing (oops, was it supposed to be something unlikely?)
9. The bride has a beard (sound familiar?) variation: Yehuda's wife is Rabbi Shenker (submitted by Aaron Stoner, Bunk 3)
8. The Numa Numa man performs live in concert at Yehuda's wedding, it gets on National TV, Yehuda gets famous and rich
7. Dani arranges a 'DaNiSH' scavenger hunt during the chuppah
6. Yehuda gets a raise (submitted by Yehuda)
5. Yehuda gets fired (submitted by Rabbi Shenker)
4. There were quite a number of 'goat' related entries, so here they are:
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
The NBA has one big party each year, the night before the All- Star game. It's a private party to which a few thousand people get invited , and there's tight security to make sure you can't get in unless you're an invited guest. This year it took place at the MANDALAY BAY Event center, and naturally, when the NBA found out Dani Locker was in town they had to invite me! Well that's not quite accurate, but I did manage to use a connection and get tickets. It was a pretty crazy party, and I spent most of it outside in the lobby, not being particularly interested in the rap concert starring TI.
There was a preview of a movie they're making about Alan Iverson, and I spent some time shmoozing with my cousin who introduced me to John Starks, Shawn Kemp and Rafer Alston (AKA Skip to my Lou) who was trying to dance with me.
I also got these pictures with my phone of Scottie Pippin

Monday, March 19, 2007
Dorky, Dorky, Dorky
In appreciation of his participation in the inauguration and consecration of this Internet based app elation, my imagination in this dissertation will use integration for modification of Dorky's reputation for mindless instigation and brainless interrogation.
Instead I will address the Nation to quickly ration any degradation and curb your exultation at Dorky's indignation and dissension. Congratulations
What I'm basically trying to say is that even though Dorky is prime real estate for getting made fun of, I'm holding back because I don't want him to feel bad (or maybe because he wants me to)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Happy Birthday
Oren Hashemi ... 2/17
Steven Kostick ... 2/28
Michael (AY) Eliyuk ... 3/20
Greg Rudnitsky ... 3/15
Mazal Tov to former Nageela counselor and Educational Director Aaron Fromowitz on the birth of a baby girl.
Apology to Horse
"For your information, I am a fully grown 6 year old horse, not a pony. I am a show horse, with a pure bred pedigree, (which I can send you if you like,) and I am used to being loved and respected. I hope your campers will treat me nicely, and not just like any old horse.
See you soon,
Dr. Suus "
We offer our sincere apologies for this oversight. We would like to assure you that no racial stereotypes were intended in our statements. It is our fevent hope that people and horses can work side by side to help combat hatred bigotry and narrow vision (blinders, anyone?) and make Camp Nageela a better place for all.
Happy New Year!
This Shabbat we get to read from two separate Torah scrolls (yipppeeee!)
. We read the special part about the mitzva to make months, and to make this upcoming month (Nissan) the first month. So that means this week is New years!!! Hooray!
Let’s picture this scene for a minute.
The Jews are comin’ out of Egypt after bashing and trashing- bumping and thumping- smashing and crashing Egypt for a full year. G-d had pulled off some pretty cool stuff for them including an animal show that would make ANIMAL PLANET look like a petting zoo, a pretty HOT hail storm, and the worst water shortage (or rather blood plenty) in history. HE brought skin diseases that would make anthrax seem like sugar and a plague on all the cattle that left the Egyptians wishing they had any cows to get mad cow disease. All the Egyptian radio and TV stations were forced to close down due to darkness, and ConEd of Cairo insisted they were doing all in their power to get things back on track… to no avail.
Okay, okay, I’m getting a little carried away with my imagination, but my point is that G-d had just done awesome stuff for the Jewish people. They were ready for the real deal- the mitzvos- the Torah.
What’s THE FIRST MITZVAH that G-d gave them? Making the Jewish calendar. Huh? What’s so important about that?
The answer of course is because we need a calendar to know when Camp nageela starts, and to know when visiting day will be so we can plan our candy consumption.
Besides that there might be another reason (duh)
The months are a majorly important part of being Jewish for a bunch of reasons. One of them is because the Jewish people are just like the moon (yup, we're made of green cheese, too). The moon gets bigger and smaller, and when it's small we know that it's gonna get big again. We're like that too. We go through some tough times, but with G-d on our side, like HE was in Egypt back in the day, we're in pretty good shape.There may not be a man in the moon, but there is a little moon in every man.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
It's a parakeet...
It's a goat....
It's a baby duck...

Yes, we've upgraded that position to someone smarter, more handsome, and less afraid of the goat. Here he is.
(no, silly. not the girl. the pony)
Seriously, meet the newest member of the Nageela Zoo. I can't wait to see what Yehuda does when he wakes up with it in his bed!
Karmel Korn...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Open to suggestions
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Actually, it's just so that I can talk and nobody has to listen.
This blog is made primarily for my Nageela boyz, but if anyone else finds something woth reading you should probably get yourself checked out, and then feel free to go ahead and read away!
Well that's it for now, I'll be back later!