In our last Still NUTS email we asked you for the top 10 craaazzzzy and unexpected things that could happen at Yehuda's wedding. As it gets closer and closer to the wedding day (scary, isn't it) it is finally time to unveil the posts that you've sent in. Feel free to add more to the comments; here we go:
10. Yehuda grabs the mike and starts blabbing (oops, was it supposed to be something unlikely?)
9. The bride has a beard (sound familiar?) variation: Yehuda's wife is Rabbi Shenker (submitted by Aaron Stoner, Bunk 3)
8. The Numa Numa man performs live in concert at Yehuda's wedding, it gets on National TV, Yehuda gets famous and rich
7. Dani arranges a 'DaNiSH' scavenger hunt during the chuppah
6. Yehuda gets a raise (submitted by Yehuda)
5. Yehuda gets fired (submitted by Rabbi Shenker)
4. There were quite a number of 'goat' related entries, so here they are:
a. I think the stranges thing that could happen at Yehuda's wedding would be no goats showing up. But thats a very, very faint possibility (Azi Steiner)
b. The goats being invited (Sam Lipke, Bunk 5)
c. Yehuda shows up wearing a Goatee
3. Yehuda screams I'm not getitng married... color war!!!!!!! (Ilan Friedner, Bunk 5)
2. He can invite dorky
1. Yehuda gets married!!! (now is that craaaaayzeee or what!)
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