After years and years. Pain and suffering by all of us who kept hearing from Yehuda about how the album is coming out, the album is coming outthe album is coming outthealbumiscomingoutthealbumiscomingout, you get the point. Well it's here!

Not only does Camp Nageela have our very own album, it doesn't get any better. The music, done by the Nochi Krohn band (a long time friend of Yehuda and me- they performed in camp a few years back). The singing is done by an awesome choir along with some stars of Jewish music, including Shlomo Schwed, a former NAGEELA counselor!
You'll hear some of your favorites:
I'm A Jew!
How can I know
Bumps and Curves
Narrow Bridge
Rushing, Cooking, and more!
You can order your copy today at