OK, so now it's time to hear from the peanut gallery... what do you all think of this as a t-shirt design? Everyone relates to it, and it even has some sort of meaningful message, not that I'm usually very concerned with that. There are almost endless twists and turns we can take, so feel free to offer your ideas.
Oh, and thanks to Shaya for the concept.
(by the way, I think the AMP design is out, unless I find out if it's kosher or not- i don't think it is)
very cool idea:) i like it alot. good thinking shaya! Its better than the ampd one for sure and i like it more than the dunkin one.
Oh my gosh. So far I got positive feedback from dorky and HB. Am supposed to be feeling good about this?
I think its excellent! And what a color scheme too!
Actually Azi, I was thinking it would go well with a peach colored TZ- shirt with ruffles at the collar.
Right up your alley.
Dani, Dani, Dani... Nobody wears a peach colored t-shirt with ruffles. I'm thinking more frills and lace, and less ruffles, they're much more fashionable!
Jeff! I'm surprised at you! You know how expensive lace is these days.
I must say that it is definitely the best idea yet. I still think the dunkin one is really cool though maybe we could make them special for color war, like color war runs on dunkin or something. anyways it's good to see that shaul is up at 6:58 in the morning keeping up the tradition of the designated early shachris goer.
I almost forgot. I don't know if it goes well with these colors but brown sweatshirts rock. check out the camp chaveirim and YFR sweatshits. i know you'll all agree. I don't know if it's as good as the girly light blue but i have a feeling that it's more manly.
Dorky wants me too comment :)
dorky was also yelling at me to comment, so here it goes; Love the idea Dorky, but, we should have one that says "Rob Kravets Is Camp Nageela!"
p.s. I never got my iPod :(
I agree with "guess who." Its nice to see theres SOMEONE on this blog with a good fashion sense...
(and the lambasting begins...)
DORKY if you recall dani lives in a different time zone than us which would make his time of 6:58 actually 9:58 on the east coast. During the year i'm on vacation i get up at 10 lol wishful thinking. Guess who i like getting packages also but i've never thought the delivery guy was dressed cool, so try again. hey rob wats up? are you really THAT COOL? good night to all
i dont know if im allowed to post, i think i was banned from everything that has to do with Jep.
but... not bad, not bad, but i still think dunkin is the best. its almost as cool as the "jep 1" one. wait, anyone remember that? oh, none of you were in nageela then. i'm sorry.
yea dani i missed you at the color war shabbaton
i hear you're looking for a new rotating counselor. i might take the job
Shaul i never said you have to wear short shirts and a nerdy shirt. I just think that brown is a very classy color. If you don't agree maybe put in a request for hot pink. Maybe that'll make you feel cooler. and anyway don't worry no matter what you wear nobody will mistakenly think that you're cool.
This might be too much but maybe we should have search results like the only camp with paintball...
the coolest staff ever..
the coolest staff ever...
did you mean hava nageela?...
i'm a jew best jewish album...
dani blog...
what about camp nageela in the shape of the coca cola logo? like "always camp nageela"?
actually i meant camp nageela classic.
Say "anonymous," thats about as original as your name...
Sorry, that was a bit harsh. My apologies...
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