Many people have asked me why Camp Nageela has a zoo. In fact on the Camp Nageela FAQ list, it's somewhere in the top one or two hundred. I was previously uncomfortable giving the true answer and just gave a typical answer like, "Scott likes animals," or "I don't know, go ask Rabbi Karmel." The truth is, Scott secretly hates animals, and Rabbi Karmel hasn't been in ccamp long enough to know the answer.
In the ancient world before iPods were invented, Yehuda decided he needed a pet. He tried a few unsuccesful attempts at tarantulas, bats and water bugs, before he realized that animals didn't only fail to make him happy, but he had a terrible allergic reaction that resulted in... crying.
Most normal people would then try to make sure that there were no animals (barring the waiters) left in camp. Yehuda isn't most normal people. In fact he... well... we'll just leave it at that. There has been much speculation as to exactly how and why Yehuda personally brought the goats and other assorted mammals and fowl to camp, and quite a number of thoeries have appeared in scientific and psychological litterature.
This is a clipping from the Brittish Journal of Medicine:

The following is an excerpt from the Hawaain Journal of Contemporary Psychology:

Next time you visit the Nageela zoo... please try not to cry.
SO I was wondering. What does dani mean by histroy. DOes he really not know how to spell history? But then I scrolled down and found another one of dani's mistakes (no surprise there) where he has the exact same thing about the nageela zoo dated tuesday may 15 and there he spells history correctly. So if any one can explain this to me please let me know.
Hey Dani, I'd like to add my roomate, Algernon (A female dwarf hamster - they wouldn't let me have a dog...) to the Nageela Menagerie this summer. Please advise me as to the groovaciousness of this of decisions.
*static* Attention all around camp, Attention all around camp: all counselors please pick up your special campers from the zoo area tonight. Tommorow at noon visiting day will begin. PLEASE make sure you campers have showered by then. Thank you... *static* ...oh, even the little furry ones. **static**
we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...we are now taking attendance...
nice to hear from you scott.
nice to hear from you too, matis
will i see u thurs night?
I did notice that dani has not defended himself. He probably has nothing to say as usual.
I did notice that dani has not defended himself. He probably has nothing to say as usual.
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