Sunday, September 2, 2007

Don't forget that nano or DVD player...

In case you forgot, the offer is still open...
Sign up for Camp Nageela 2008* by the end of October and you will receive your choice of an iPod Nano or a portable DVD player. Simple as that.

*(must register on full monthly installment plan)

Click here to request an application online or email .


Anonymous said...

I still didn't get my nano from last summer...

Anonymous said...

It'll come with the paycheck.

Anonymous said... you mean that if I apply now, I get a fully guaranteed monthly installments paycheck plan PLUS a nano? And you're allowed to tell me this? WOW!!! While you're giving out early Chanuka presents, can I get Yosaif's bunk next year?

Brim said...

aaaahhhh... the dreams we all have.

Anonymous said...

That's MY bunk your talking about "surprised staff member!!"

Anonymous said...

Oh, really? What a SURPRISE! I guess you've forgotten about the 'arrangement' just because you won Color War, but the rest of us haven't. CACKLE!!! CACKLE!! HAHAHA!!! You may have won the battle, but you shall fail fantastically in..... THE BUNK WAR!!! CACKLE!! CAKLE!!! MANIACAL CACKLE!!! EVIL LAUGH!!! (coming soon to a theater near you)

Anonymous said...

Oh, really? What a SURPRISE! I guess you've forgotten about the 'arrangement' just because you won Color War, but the rest of us haven't. CACKLE!!! CACKLE!! HAHAHA!!! You may have won the battle, but you shall fail fantastically in..... THE BUNK WAR!!! CACKLE!! CAKLE!!! MANIACAL CACKLE!!! EVIL LAUGH!!! (coming soon to a theater near you)

Anonymous said...

Why'd it publish twice? Weird. It must be a sign of some kind. I shall have to consult my evil magical interpretation manuscripts.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't feel to threatened by a guy who doesn't even have the guts to reveal his name...

Brim said...

I second the comment, azi. S.(U.)S.S, Reveal yourself, or you will face the wrath of the heavens, bandishing thier firey hailstorms, and you will witness catastrophic
destruction upon the face of the earth.
To hear more, press 7 or stay on the line. An operator will assist you shortly. We value your business, please continue to hold. All of our operators are assisting other customers, please hold...

Anonymous said...

After meeting with one dovid abrahamson (chief) for a half hour today, I still did not get my dvd. I WANT MY DVD!!! I know where you live Dani!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Dani...

Anonymous said...

Yes, whoever and wherever that coward S.S. may be he should know that he can't hide forever!!! We will find you and put a stop to your evil ways!! And then, freedom shall ring throughout the land, and we shall ban all anonymous postings

Unknown said...

All staff members are certainly also eligible for a nano or DVD player if they sign up to pay $1700 for camp.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching all the videos and listening to the entire audio section of the dvd. It was awesome!!!

I want my bunk five...

Anonymous said...

Bunk five called, they're going to Agudah Masmidim. Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah! (1,2,3,4)

Anonymous said...

What dvd are we talking about?

Anonymous said...

Don't bother Shaul, it's in the mail...