Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In this corner...

Heeeeelllllooooo ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the main event, where two fighters will do anything in their power to win the coveted grand prize of a precooked hot dog, rewarmed in the canteen with your choice of chicken or chicken.

In this corner, weighing six hundred and seventy seven pounds, we have Shnoooorrrrrkkkkyyyy Hecht

In the other corner, weighing a whopping 84 pounds, we have the pink sweatshirt wearing, cello playing Ah-Zeeeeeee!

Coming in from time to time to take punches from either one, we have Brim.


Anonymous said...

Any Campers here to see this??

Anonymous said...

hopefully not sounds pretty nasty :)

Anonymous said...

Oh good, we have a lifeguard here. Now Dorky doesn't have to be afraid to fight...

Anonymous said...

azi there's a reason why they're not showing your face. and yes you can see part of mine. i'm the guy with the tzitzis. I really hope you don't bite my ear off.

Brim said...
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Brim said...

I apoligize for my ignorance, but there seems to be a mistake. The proprtions of what is supposed to be azi at 84 pounds and dorky at 677 seem to be quite similar. must be a trick of the eye.

Brim said...

and where am i in the picture?

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know that I am simply wearing a fatsuit while Dorky is not. My tzitzit are beneath said fatsuit...

Anonymous said...


Sam Lipke said...

Credit Card: 43232343434 Social is 394 53 6969

Anonymous said...

sam is starting the betting...

Brim said...

sam, I tried buying a plasma tv and surround sound monsoon audio system with those numbers, but the credit limit wasn't high enough. Can you speak to the credit card company please?

Anonymous said...

the sad thing is that it wouldn't surprise me if brim actually did this.

Brim said...

Hey! I'm an experienced purchaser! Just ask the Walmart staff.