Thursday, January 31, 2008


Mazal tov
to our long time Nageela driver/treehouse maker/ head blower upper/ styrofoam cutter/ woodworker
AKA Chaim Goldenberg
on getting engaged

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


While I'm going nuts about the hit counter, we just passed number 711(1).

In honor of that momentous occasion, here's a never-quite-made-it Nageela logo.


Camp Nageeeeeeeeeeela wishes a very wonderfully happy birthday to the following nageelans who have had one recently!

Joseph Navi ... 12/1
Steven Patzer ... 12/1
Dzgheophgf Weisz ... 12/7
Nate Khaitov ... 12/8
Josh Luster ... 12/11
Jared Silverman ... 12/14
Brian Berko ... 12/18
Boris Beker ... 12/24
Sam Lipke ... 12/26
Allex Eibinder ... 12/29
Josh Gordover ... 12/31
Michael Belote ... 12/31
Aaron Fried ... 1/11
Mordy Swed ... 1/11
Brad Kostick ... 1/14
Dan Millikhov ... 1/23

And Mazal Tov to the Nageelans who recently celebrated their BAR MITZVAS!
Rob Kravets
David Mahalli
Yitzy Shaps

Thank goodness cheeseburgers aren't Kosher

It's a good thing they don't have jarred gefilte fish.
Oh wait, they do.

Empty Bus

captions, anyone?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More Updates

Hmmm, What should these rooms be used for?

gaga? Machachinski? Bowling? Plunger Eclipse? How about some strange version of red rover? Sorry, how about more rooms to sleep in so we can fit in our bunks more comfortably? Here are some pictures of the latest construction progress.

Monday, January 28, 2008

seven- Thousand posts!

In honor of the blog's 7,000th hit, I shall write 7000 wods in this post. Here goes.

it is fruitless to attempt to indoctrinate a superannuated canine with innovative maneuvers. members of an avien species with identical plumage propend to congregate. Scintilate scintilate asteroid minifoc, how I ponder your indentity. How am I doing so far? Am I calose to 7000? i must be, this is so m, just rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for a little while and everyone is forced to sit and listen to me. Well of course you dont have to listen to me now, because you can just scroll all the way down, but that wouldn't be so nice. So while you're here, I figured I'd shoot you a nice link or two. If you think your school is weird, check out these school buildings around the world. Anyway, I'm not really gonna write 7000 words, I'm not sure what nut still reading this thought I might, but that's all for now. Hmmm, how about 7000 letters, do you think I can do tyhat? Huh? Do you? I'm not sure. Can someone please get a bandaid, my finders are starting to bleed from all this typing. Ahhhh, stop it! No, I must persevere! What on Earth am I talking about? By the way, I have found that spreading the butter slowly and consistently on one side of the butter is much morfe effective and than dumping the butter on the floor and then mashing the bread on top of it with your heel. All though the latter produces a richer taste, the bread tends to crumble and you end up eith butter on your hands. Have a GOOD NIGHT everyone. Adios


thanks to BB for sending me this pic

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I'm writing this post from warm and balmy (not quite) Central Pennsylvania where my family and I are currently enroute to Cleveland for- you guessed it- a Shabbaton. About 22 (hopefully) future Nageelans will be attending an incredible shabbaton complete with a Saturday Night trip to snowtubing. Jealous? Not to worry, February 19-20 we have our overnight ski & snowboard trip.

We'll be stopping in Chocolate World today... can't wait for those free chocolates!

And check out this picture. I call it the subliminal borsalino heads. Can you come up with a better caption?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Heavy Metal!

More news on the wing in Camp Nageela. I think it has metal in it. Metal is pretty heavy.
Check out some of the more recent pictures.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Re- Onion 2008!

What an indredible weekend we just had! 35 Nageela campers, 15 staff members, a million great memories (isn't that poetic,? I'm touched).
We were entertained by a new game called RED ONION (a cross between plunger eclipse and red rover), got befuddled by the DaNiSH (shoes and tissues), and entertained by skitsaphrenia (cool hair, Forrest), and an awesome show by THE SUBLIMINAL BANANA HEADS! who were amazing as always.

and of course we were entertained by Mushroom being mushroom
we'll try to get video clips up soon (if you took any videos, please email them to me!)

And of course BB didn't completely mess everything up.

Hope you enjoyed. I did!

photo credits: Shaul Leiser


Mazal Tov
to veteran Nageela counselor
on his engagement and upcoming marriage


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

IMPOSSIBLE online game

Here's an online 3-D tetris game-
I couldn't get a single line.
Give it a shot

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The foundation has been completed for the huge new wing at Camp Nageela. Yup, that's right, a new wing with 24 new rooms is on it's way!

Don't worry, it looks better in person than in this picture.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Several online dictionary sites have blundered around trying to comde up with the propper definition of the following word. We're going to give you a multiple choice on the real meaning.

Com-ment n.

a. a conjunction of 'calm' and 'mental', alluding to a state of peace of mind.
b. An acrostic forming the words Candy Only Makes Me Excited Not Tired
c. When you don't want your computer stolen, you pour comment to attach it to the ground.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Has anyone seen my mascara?

I'm sure you guys all think you can come up with a better caption, so get to it! Post it here or email it to me.

Korny seafood

Q. Why don't oysters give to charity?

A. Because they're shelfish!


New camp activity?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'll take the hole, please.

I waltzed into Dunkin' Donuts today (the kosher one in Lawrence) as I usually do (well, I don't usually waltz, I more- like tango) and I saw a few flavors that make me wonder if I could pleeeaaaasssseee have chicken for supper instead!

Sardine Hazelnut
Banana and Glass
"Brooklyn Style"
Sulfur Crunch
Pigeon and Lime
Blood Sweat and Cherry
Sloppy Joe
Sour Cream and Onion

which leads to my next question. What is the WORST possible donut flavor you can think of (we need to know so that Mordy Shenker can order an extra batch!)


at long last, here's the partial video from the banquet.