The first pic looks like the top of a giant air hockey board like the one we have in the game anyone else thinking new specialty activity?!?!?!?!
No, Azi. I'm doin' that. Dani told me that you're gonna be running the workshop that shows kids how to make those little cellophane tips on sandwich toothpicks =)
if so, he must have quite a lot of free time on it, maybe it's just so uneventful and boring, possibly involving many awkward calls to hundreds of people a day with lots of er's and ah's and sooooo's to take up the time they're trying to think of stuff to say while he's attempting to lure them into attending yet another JEP event. Just a guess though ;)
Cool, I hear the new walkway we began this summer might be done by summer '11...
The first pic looks like the top of a giant air hockey board like the one we have in the game anyone else thinking new specialty activity?!?!?!?!
Of course! Paper airplane making! I bet I'll be the one running it...
No, Azi. I'm doin' that. Dani told me that you're gonna be running the workshop that shows kids how to make those little cellophane tips on sandwich toothpicks =)
And by showing kids how to make those little cellophane tips on sandwich toothpicks you mean goat feeding of course...
Azi, stop dreaming, you're gonna be way too busy cutting up shekels
...says the "glorified telemarketer..."
oooooooh burn
Wow, I knew there was something extra in my rice krispies this morning, Azi you gave me an OOOHHHHHHH SNAP!
wow jack suddenly you have all the time in the world to be on the blog. Do you have a new job?
if so, he must have quite a lot of free time on it, maybe it's just so uneventful and boring, possibly involving many awkward calls to hundreds of people a day with lots of er's and ah's and sooooo's to take up the time they're trying to think of stuff to say while he's attempting to lure them into attending yet another JEP event. Just a guess though ;)
Acually, I would love to deal with hundreds of awkward phone calls; that's so much more stimulating than leaving hundreds of messages.
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