A lot going on, and I'm so tired it feels like I'm a whole day or two into camp. So I'll cut it short. I had the privelege today to be at the Western Wall (Kotel) for the Birchas Kohanim (blessing of the kohanim), when thousands of people come to get blessed by literally thousands of kohanim at the wall.
Don't ask about the bus ride back (holding on to the back of the bus with one hand and holding on to Tova with the other (only slight exaggeration).
Then we went to the ancient ruin of Mesada. Really amazing place with a sad story attached to it.n If you have any interest, you can read about it here.
Don't ask about the bus ride back (holding on to the back of the bus with one hand and holding on to Tova with the other (only slight exaggeration).
Then we went to the ancient ruin of Mesada. Really amazing place with a sad story attached to it.n If you have any interest, you can read about it here.
Hey Dani, I'm curious to know, the time that it says you posted this comment, and the previous one from you on your stay in Israel, is it still logged as the time it would be here, or are you using a computer that is set to Israeli time and it logs the time it is in Israel as your posting time?
I believe that since on my blogger settings I am set to Eastern US time, it logs all my posts as that (even thought my blogger login screen is currently in Hebrew). I posted this early morning Israel time- so when it says 4:50 PM, it must mean US time.
ah, coolio
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