Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You're Invited!

Shaya sent me this to put up for all of you to see.
Being the nice guy that I am, here it is:

I would like to invite all campers and staff from Camp Nageela to my Wedding which will take place G-d willing on March 11 with the reception starting at 6:30 and the Chupa at 7:30. You are all very dear to me and you would truly enhance my wedding with your presence and make it a most special occasion. Due to a limited number of invitations, please accept this as a personal invitation. I was able to arrange for a special buffet for Nageela but you must make a reservation. If you plan on coming please email me at shaya@campnageela.org Asap. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
The greatest Dork ever...


Azi said...

I'm gonna get a live video hookup so i can watch the wedding from israel. You all better come so I can see you!!!


doooorkeeeee said...

Huh? you're not coming?

Unknown said...

Maybe I'm trying to surprise people...
