Monday, March 19, 2007

Dorky, Dorky, Dorky

So once upon a time there was a guy named Dorky who thought he was cool. Unfortunately, he was so cool that his coolness didn't register on our simple Earthly meters, thus rendering him distinctly uncool.
In appreciation of his participation in the inauguration and consecration of this Internet based app elation, my imagination in this dissertation will use integration for modification of Dorky's reputation for mindless instigation and brainless interrogation.
Instead I will address the Nation to quickly ration any degradation and curb your exultation at Dorky's indignation and dissension. Congratulations

What I'm basically trying to say is that even though Dorky is prime real estate for getting made fun of, I'm holding back because I don't want him to feel bad (or maybe because he wants me to)


Anonymous said...

wish i would have seen this earlier. wow i even gave u a month to think of things to make fun of me about and.... nothing as usual. You managed to have enough time to come up with that outlandish i don't even know what to call it, but yet still not enough time to make fun of me. I can't even begin to imagine why. And then with the cover up of "i didn't want to make him feel bad." I mean i heard of stall stall stall... But come on already. Eventually something's got to give. Oh by the way did you announce that I'm head chef this year yet?

everyone better be at jewish unity live this sunday. It's gonna be a mad doooorkeeeee time.


Unknown said...

My mission has apparently been accomplished.

With enough bait and enough time, you know Dorky is bound to make himself look silly, so there's no reason to do it for him!

Anonymous said...

ok let me know when I start to look silly. I've known you for like 12 years and it still hasn't happened yet. Now you on the other hand......

Anonymous said...

Yeah we all know that dorky is so much smarter and cooler than you. when will you finally admit it?

Anonymous said...

Contrary to popular belief, i am coming to nageela this summer but only because of that horse. it will be my horse. only mine. the only person who owns this horse is me. thats because i will once again be A SAD this summer. so i am in charge of telling which people will be allowed to ride the horse. and dani i implore you to make fun of me.