Monday, April 30, 2007
The annonyminiminimity of annonymous
Even Dorky uses his name (at least sometimes).
Friday, April 27, 2007
Scary Pictures

1. All 5 above very normal looking people are mature adults who we trust with your safety.
2. 4 out of the 5 above very normal looking people are either engaged or married.
3. The guy in the middle is your new assistant head counselor.
4. Yehuda is the most normal looking guy in the bunch!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Dvar Torah, Dvar Torah, Dvar, dvar...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Camp Nageela names new Assistant Head Counselor
ELI SHAPIRO as our new Assistant Head Counselor.
Those of you Nageela veterans know that Eli is a Nageela legend. For four years, Eli brought his awesome talents and energy to camp in a way that no one else ever has.
Remember, "I like Chinese"?
How about Eli's amazing skitsaphrenia routines?
We can't wait for NAGEELA 07!

Eli Shapiro is bottom middle (blue sunglasses).
Note fellow Nageelans in picture: Ian Leifer, Mystery Man, Jonah Feldman, Daniel Weisz.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sheva Brachos
This past Sunday night, Rabbi and Mrs. Shenker hosted a sheva brachos party in their house. One of the highlights was this song, written and performed by Shaya (dorky) Hecht:
TO THE TUNE OF "Do I know who I am"
The girls want to know who I am
Why my ligament became a rubber band
which one will be the one behind the veil
standing next to me while i wail
JEP is the root of my soul
my job looks hard but that's not really so
I’ll wait ’till Friday, and then pick up the phone
There’ll be 50 guys at the Shabbaton
I finally met my soul - my soul mate
it's no surprise that she was number 68
Now someone understands why I am me
I’m glad I found here before I turned 50
i'm really so unique- an entity
Every night activity ended in injury
One ting about my wife- I really like…
She never shouts, “Yehuda off the mike!”
rabbi shenker is a very hard worker
dani locker is a very hard worker
rabbi karmel is a very hard worker
yehuda maryles we wanted to wish you mazel tov
Korn Salad
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Yehuda's Wedding update
WHAT? YEHUDA'S MARRIED? You've gotta be kidding!
Nope, not kidding, Yehuda's married. Here's a little bit about the wedding for those of you who missed it.
YES: Yehuda cried his head off.
YES: Yehuda grabbed the mike in middle and started singing
NO: Nobody shouted Yehuda off the mike... not one person!
NO: Nobody gave Yehuda a goat as a wedding gift
YES: Dorky did make a fool of himself over and over
YES: Tova Locker was the star of the show
NO: Dovid (chief) Abrahamson did NOT sit on Rabbi Shenker's shoulders (though he tried)
NO: Mordechai Shenker was not the caterer, nor was Yaakov (muffin man) Simanowitz
NO: Rabbi karmel did not tell korny jokes in middle of the ceremony (though he tried that, too)
YES: Yehuda really is married
NO: This is not all just a color war breakout
NO: Yehuda did not wear his judgecredibles costume to his wedding
YES: Shaul Leiser did
if you have any other important questions, please ask away, and we'll try to answer them in an entertaining (and somewhat truthful) fashion
Friday, April 13, 2007
Mazal Tov!!!
April 13th, hmmmm
- Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13th, 1801
- Gary Kasparov (famous chess player) was born on April 13th, 1963
- Tiger Woods won his first Major on April 13th, 1997
Gosh, is there anything else that could have possibly happened on April 13th?
The Apollo 13 Oxygen Tank exploded on April 13th. Any old dork should have remembered that.
If I think of anything else I'll let you know, but I think I've covered everything important...
By the way, isn't Friday the 13th supposed to be scary? hmmmm
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Apparently, the favorite one seems to be the vacation from participating in contests.
C'mon guys! Send 'em in! If you're too embarassed and you're afraid that other people might find out the extent of your insanity, then post anonymously.
Once again, you can post either by posting a comment publicly, or by emailing it to
Korn Salad
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Happy Birthday
Emanuel Medevoy ...4/9
Daniel Bogatin ...4/6
You can post your birthday wishes in the comments section.
p.s. staff members, I dont have your birthdays so if you'd like to be listed you've gotta let me know.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
TOP 10 CoNTEST- Legal Holidays

Many of you believe that we don't have enough holidays in this country. We have school for 180 days, that's almost half the year... absolutely disgraceful! But there are other perks to National holidays than no school. For example, on July 11th (7/11) many 7-11 stores give away free slurpies. Now that's my kind of holiday!
Your job: Give us your best new holidays, and what special celebrations they should include (example: Visiting Day is a day when WALMART should give out free candy)- it could be Nageela related or not.
THE BEST ENTRIES WILL GET ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (but it should be a fun list) so work hard!
Either email your entries to me, or post them to the comments below and I'll add 'em.
Picture of the Week
Click here for a much larger version.
How many NAGEELAns can you identify in this picture?
I count 14... if you think you have more, or if you can't find as many as I can, post a comment, and we can discuss it.
(although I highly doubt anyone will get more than I will)