Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Birthday

We wish a Happy Birthday to the following Nageela campers:

Emanuel Medevoy ...4/9
Daniel Bogatin ...4/6

You can post your birthday wishes in the comments section.

p.s. staff members, I dont have your birthdays so if you'd like to be listed you've gotta let me know.


Anonymous said...

We have another mazel tov! Shaya Hecht put on teffilin today!!!

Anonymous said...

lol nice azi. Maybe you could teach dani a thing or 2 about ripping. By the way what was it your mother told me, was it this week or last week that you got toilet trained?

Anonymous said...

BY the way it was a nice attempt azi but I don't put on tefilin on Chol Hamoed. But I'll give you an A for effort. If you want I'm giving a class on ripping. This weeks topic is the art of ripping without pathetic oversights. Because there's such a demand the class is 100 dollars. I prefer cash.

Anonymous said...

Lets see. My birthday is tomorrow. You have a few more hours to post it.