I have four really scary thoughts about these 5 pictures:

1. All 5 above very normal looking people are mature adults who we trust with your safety.
2. 4 out of the 5 above very normal looking people are either engaged or married.
3. The guy in the middle is your new assistant head counselor.
4. Yehuda is the most normal looking guy in the bunch!
Hey is number 2 a sales pitch because if so boy do i have an offer to make of a wonderful girl for him
of course you won't catch me looking as rediculous as these guys(?) look.
hey dork maybe you should learn how to spell or at least how to use spell check. and you weren't included for other reasons....
I can be pathetic also. Hey person who's not manly enough to rip using his own name, use grammer check so that you capotalize the a in and. Who knows maybe you really are a woman.
My picture would be here but I know how to shave...
My picture would be here but i'm normal....
Normally people don't get stuck to the "o" and "e" keys...
right that's normally people but i'm normal.
poooooooooooooooooor comeback...
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