Friday, April 13, 2007

April 13th, hmmmm

  • Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13th, 1801
  • Gary Kasparov (famous chess player) was born on April 13th, 1963
  • Tiger Woods won his first Major on April 13th, 1997

Gosh, is there anything else that could have possibly happened on April 13th?


The Apollo 13 Oxygen Tank exploded on April 13th. Any old dork should have remembered that.

If I think of anything else I'll let you know, but I think I've covered everything important...

By the way, isn't Friday the 13th supposed to be scary? hmmmm


Anonymous said...

haha finally dani its about time u got me. Seriously this was ure best
especially bec it was ure only good one. wow you really made my day it was hillareous. i didn't see it coming. Thanks for the birthday present. c ya on tuesday iy'h. good shabbos.
oh yeah nice of u to post that netanel chait is engaged.

Unknown said...

good point, i just found out about Nate, I'll post it shortly!