Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top 10 Contest

Please email me with your entries and I will post them here.


That Shaya got engaged before Azi...

Should be a fun one (I already have a whole bunch up my sleeve).

Bar Mitzvahs

Mazal Tov
to the following Nageela campers on their recent Bar Mitzvahs

Brian Kahen
Brian Berko
Marc Cohen
Tzvi Hirsch Glaser

Have a mazal tov that I missed? email me info@nageelawest.org

Sunday, December 27, 2009


The Camp Nageela family wishes a huge and extremely dorky
to our very own, long time staff member,
and not-so-long-time assistant head- counselor
upon his engagement
to Miriam Friedman of Hillcrest, NY.

to post a mazal tov message for Shaya, click here.

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Music Video

Baruch reis is at it again!
Baruch has teamed up with Yoni Hoch and the boys of the Brooklyn JIL program to create an awesome music video, to Shaya's favorite guitar hero song.

Check it out here!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mazal Tov!

Mazal Tov
to Nageela staff member
Benjy Kamienny
on getting engaged!