Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Basketball Court


Rabbi Shenker informed me today that construction has been completed on a

As soon as I have some pictures, I'll post them.
In the meanwhile, just to give you an idea of about where it is, take a look and you'll see there's a large area between the 1st base line of the baseball field, and Rt. 42. Part of that area is taken by the paintball field, nowthere will is a basketball court there as well.
Also coming is a new volleyball court, up in the woods behind the existing V-ball court, and hopefully a new baseball field- and if we're lucky- a gym? Could it be? Start the rumors... you never know.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ohavia's Wedding

Just came home from Ohavia's wedding. It was awesome! We all had lots of JEP candy and chap-a-Nosh food.
Well, not really, but Yehuda still did hog the Mic, except when Shaya was able to pry it away from him.

exercise is good for you.

Anyone who's ever filled up the JEP van knows how true this is. In other news, Rabbi Shenker has announced that Brim will be biking to Wal-Mart daiy .

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New recruiting video

I'm sure the aspiration of every Nageela camper and staff member is to help all of your friends come to Nageela. Unfortunately, we've been hampered by a general dearth of quality recuiting videos- the Nageela boys videos have been great, but how can we recruit girls with a boys video?

I think it would go something like this:

YOU: "See that trip to Hershey Park? Looks cool, doesn't it?"

GIRL: "Yeah, but how come I don't see any girls in the video?"

YOU: "Those are really girls, they just look like boys."

GIRL: "You mean that one in the red cheerleader's dress?"

YOU: "No, that really is a boy. A staff member."

GIRL: "And you like this camp because..."

or like this

GIRL: "How am I supposed to know anything about Nageela for Girls, if all these videos are full of boys?"

YOU: "Look beyond the boys. Imagine the same activities with girls."

GIRL: "OK, but I'm having trouble with the badadadadum part."

But now, Mordechai Shenker has produced a brand new recruiting video- all the best moments of the boys camp and the girls camp- put together. It will be published soon, and you can order them for your friends by calling or emailing the Nageela office.

Here's a rough sample of what the CD cover should look like.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mazal Tov!

I will always trust the poll!
I will always trust the poll!

Camp Nageela would like to wish a big, juicy
Mazal Tov
to our very own infirmary man, muffin man, balloon man, cake man,
Yaakov Simanowitz
on getting engaged

We can't wait for the wedding!

You can post your wishes here

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Vegas Tonight

Have no fear, I still plan on being in Camp Nageela this summer, but I'm flying out to Las Vegas tonight to look at some houses.

I'll keep y'all posted.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mazal Tov

For those of you old timers who remember him, Scott Sheps, an old Nageela camper, is engaged to Shira Lankin. You can wish him Mazal Tov on

Monday, May 5, 2008

Priceless Animation

Always original, always talented, Jeffrey Weisz (yes, THE Jeff Weisz, idol of millions) has created a short flash animation about Camp Nageela. Defenitely worth your valuable time (wink, wink)to check it out.
Here's the link.


85 days
23 Hours
18 Minutes

that's it.
Hang in there.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Poll Position

Notice the poll on the right side of the page.
Go to it.
Vote on it.

But that's only half the fun. Comment on this post, to explain your vote.
Are you voting on Shloimie Reich because of his captivating smile, on on Azi Steiner because you want him to leave camp already?

Let's have some fun!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Camp Nageela would like to wish a huge
to longtime counselor
on getting engaged!

Mazal Tov!

Camp Nageela would like to wish a huge
to longtime Nageela counselor
Moishe Goldberger (MOGO)
on getting engaged!

you can post your mazal tov wishes here.


Here it is, the big announcement!

Camp Nageela is totally pumped to welcome back
as part of our Head Staff this summer.

Rabbi served as Head Counselor of Camp Nageela during the summer of '05, and currently lives in St. Louis. We can't wait for the greatest summer in Nageela history!

Rabbi Staum is also famous as being one of the original Judgecredibles.

Bringing back the glory days!

At the top of Slide Mountain (the highest mountain in the catskills, standing a gigantic 36 feet above Steinman's head)- left to right: Forrest Grossman, Harlan Grossman, Dani Locker, Daniel Weisz, Rabbi Staum, Artem Yashayev, Emmanuel Medevoy).

You can also check out this video from Nageela '05 (watch the end by the credits for a Rabbi Staum outtake)